Monday, March 29, 2010

Similar Poles Repel.....Really?

Howdy paisanos! Rocking, eh? Here I am.
Whew and what a month this was .Excessively tiring. Ahh.. I Need rest to overcome my somatic and mental weariness. These cycles(internals) have wrenched my juice. I certainly need some vagabonding sessions, a B’day treat(Sur, listening?) and a few Counter-Strike hardcore games (Chavanni style). Well there, blogging almost after a month. Just wanna tell you all that I have discovered some theories. I would like to share them with you. I have a thought of having an argumentation here at My Better Half.
This one simply popped up when I studied the law of magnetism that 'Similar poles repel each other'. There might be nothing wrong in this law but what I wonder is this law is totally opposite in real life, isn't it. Ummm...let me explain.
You all must be having some good friends. I too have and the only reason that they are my friends is because we share some common habits, common taste and most important we have got a matching mentality. Although if not exactly the same but to the some extent, yes.(Besides, there is one more obvious reason that they are rich enough to spend on me.) A simple mind can deduce that they are nor opposite in nature but yet we are good friends.
Anyway, this was in case of friendship. Let us take 'Love' for instance. After being three years in a metropolitan city and also in SRM, I have seen umpteen cases and forms of relationships. Some goes successfully and some just .....But there are various reason of collapsing in a relationship and one of those is being opposite in taste. These days courtship time has increased considerably and so is Live-in relationships. The purpose is just one. To make sure she/he has same Ideologies and nature. If this factor is missing in a relationship, chance of breaking and erupting increases.
The other side of the discussion is yes, we do have some examples of opposite nature mates having a successful relation but they are mere exception. It has to be there since exceptions are everywhere.
After doing much contemplating on this, I have reached to a conclusion that this law may only suffice in physics. In real life.....Similar Poles Attracts.
If you have any other counter on this, please let me know. We shall have a BD(Blogger's Discussion)
Please condone my slips. See you all again.


Unknown said...

gud 1 bhaijaan .....faaadu english hai

prateek sur said...

mayb ur wrong..mayb ur right..but i dont wanna fight on that but i will surely believe wat i've seen in front of my eyes from my childhood..i've seen luv mariages in my family and friends and they all hav been wit the opp poles attract mom is very outspoken and jumps to any conclusion asap but on the other hand my dad is the calmest person u may find on the wenever there is any fight between them one of them would surely be calm and the other belligerant..even in the case of some friends i've seen that opposites attract so i'll always believe in it..whether or not it does exist in physics is utterly proves the age old adage that u cant be similar to the person walking wit u for life bcoz wen u put forward ur left hand to her she has to put forward her right hand in order to move straight ahead in life..!!
P.S-ur funda may apply for friends..

Deepak Singh said...

kya vinayak bhaiya,,,kuch bhi sochte aur likhte rahte ho.....

aapne ye love relationships me ye kyun nahi dhyan nahi diya ki kabhi bhi " a male is attracted towards female or vice versa.." and if it doesn't happens then the people are thought to be abnormals...

aur agar aapko koi aur example chahiye to likhna ..main dene ko taiyar hun abhi electricity problem hai to main ja raha hun........

Anonymous said...

hmm....,I`ll agree with both the brothers(deepak & vinayak).So simply no comments about the topic.And about the post.Short,Compact,Interesting & worth reading.Good one
Guess who??

Pawan Sharma said...

yup..its seriously a nice topic...nd wat u said is actually practical...agreed...